Here’s a quick summary of our time in India:
1 month (mid-Oct to mid-Nov)
We flew in and out of Delhi and spent a few days there at the beginning and end of our trip.
From … Continue Reading
We headed back to New Delhi and Suhail’s cousin, Clarissa, just in time to celebrate Diwali. I knew a bit about the holiday, but did not realize how enthusiastically it is celebrated. It is one of the … Continue Reading
One of our favorite things about India is the delicious tea you can find everywhere. Chai wallahs can be found on just about every corner throughout the country. “Chai” is the Hindi word for tea and “wallah” … Continue Reading
During most of our time in south India, we stayed at the Asirvadh Ashram, a children’s home Suhail’s aunt, Jeyanthi, started in 1994. The ashram is located oustide of Thiruvallur, about an hour from Chennai. This area is quite rural, … Continue Reading
For me, one of the most intriguing aspects of our experience in India was the insight we got into the country’s social strata. As we traveled around visiting Suhail’s relatives and family friends, we passed through and paused in villages, … Continue Reading
Kanchipuram is a town known for silk saris and temples. It is located about 40 minutes from the ashram, so we decided to make it a day trip. We didn’t do any shopping, but the temples were quite impressive. We … Continue Reading
Suhail wanted to share his love of skateboarding with the kids at the ashram. He got together a donation of old boards and parts and somehow convinced his mother to lug a 60 pound box to India with her.… Continue Reading
Suhail’s mom held a memorial gathering for his aunt Jeyanthi, the founder of Asirvadh Ashram, while we were visiting. For Suhail and me, the highlight of the entire event was the preparation and consumption of biryani cooked over an … Continue Reading
Check out this video we shot of an amazing cow we came across in India. It has drama and suspense and one very lucky cow!
Halloween is a big deal for Suhail and me, and we were really disappointed to miss it this year. So, after stumbling across some cheap hats and wigs at Target,
I thought it might be fun to have a celebration … Continue Reading